Why Bridge-Agnostic?

The Chain-Agnostic Token (CAT) standard enables tokens and NFTs to be native and fungible across multiple blockchains, without third party custody risk:

  1. Native contracts on each chain that inherit the characteristics of the underlying blockchain.

  2. Trustless — contracts are project-owned, with no funds escrowed by third parties.

  3. Compatible — tokens can be seamlessly transferred between blockchains

Moreover, the CAT standard is compatible with any message passing protocol. This grants the token issuer complete ownership and flexibility in defining validation methods and ensuring secure message transmission between token contracts across different blockchains.

Compatible with any message passing protocol

The growing adoption of the multi-chain ecosystem has led to the increase of different interoperability solutions. These solutions are typically referred to as ’bridges' or ‘message passing’ protocols, and their purpose is transfer data securely between blockchains. Similarly to blockchains, different message passing protocols has their own unique architecture and possess distinct strengths and weaknesses.

The Chain-Agnostic Token standard is designed for maximum compatibility across all message passing protocols with the use of Message Router contracts. This implementation ensures flexibility for token issuers to select and determine the priority order of message passing protocols used, and avoids any vendor lock-in.

Here's why this approach is not just preferable but essential:

  1. Guarding Against Single Points of Failure:

    Relying solely on a single messaging protocol could lead to a single point of failure. If the protocol experiences issues, faces security vulnerabilities, or becomes compromised, the token transfer process may fail.

  2. Continuous Operation and Reliability:

    If one message passing protocol encounters issues, the Message Router contract can seamlessly pivot to an alternative, minimising disruptions and enhancing system robustness.

  3. Interoperability and Future-proofing:

    New message passing solutions emerge regularly. Staying vendor-agnostic allows token contracts to remains interoperable with future advancements in cross-chain technology.

  4. Avoiding Vendor Lock-In Costs:

    Vendor lock-in can be costly for both integration and operations. A single-vendor solution may need signification reconfiguration if situations chain. The Chain-Agnostic Token standard mitigates these costs by maintaining the freedom to switch between protocols seamlessly.

  5. Community and Developer Preference:

    Developers and users can choose the priority order of message passing protocols that align best with their requirements and security considerations.

Want more information on how it works? ReadKey Components

Last updated