CAT Sales

Token sales are one of the major applications of today's blockchains. Nexa provides an infrastructure for the new projects launch and sell for their newly minted Chain-Agnostic Token (CAT) on multiple chains simultaneously.

Currently, token launches are conducted on either public sale platforms or centralized launchpads, however;

  • Public sale platforms are limited to single chains, and;

  • Centralized launchpads can't support multiple chains within 1 launch, and are limited by custody requirements.

There's no solution that offers a truly decentralized, cross-chain solution. CAT Sales bridges this gap, by allowing users to contribute to the sale of a Chain-Agnostic Token on any chain. This removes the need to bridge funds across chains, and reduces barrier of entry for users.

How do CAT Sales work?

Nexa's CAT Sale is a decentralized mechanism. People contribute directly to the token contract, and receive the tokens directly from the project once the sale is completed. No centralized entity ever holds custody of user funds or project tokens.

The implementation consists of two primary smart contracts:

  1. Token Sale Conductor Contract This contact exists on one chain and escrows project tokens to be sold and distributed. The contributions from users will be collected on this contract from all chains.

  2. Token Sale Contributor Contract This is the contract that is available on all supported chains. It collects the contributions from the users and once the sale is concluded, it distributes the new chain-agnostic token to the users.

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